How to solve EVENT ID 1202 SceCli 0x57 Parameter is incorrect

Customer is repeatedly getting this Event ID on all Servers and Clients, especially on the Domain Controllers being logged every 5 minute.

Searching for that Error gives thousands of results, most less helpful.The way I solved this problem was like this.

  1. On one of the servers having the problem, run RSOP.MSC
  2. Resultant Set of Policies showed a Warning on the Computer policies. Selecting properties there showed the same error as in our Event Log.
  3. Browsing the Tree showed that there were a problem in the Password Policy section, from the Default Domain Policy.
  4. Which were also visible in GPMC (Group Policy Management Console)
  5. By modifying the Default Domain Policy and fixing the bad entries (no clue how they got there). The Error message (and problem) is now gone.






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