Export information from WSUS about Hotfixes or Updates

I want to export information about all our Hotfixes in our WSUS Server, to share with the community as it’s sometimes hard to find up to date info of which hotfixes to apply in an environment.

Here is a quick and dirty script. No, scratch that, it’s not quick in any way but very dirty. The problem is that the WSUS Database does not contain the Description or Title of a Hotfix, so it’s not possible to export that info. Thus, I’ve to use a scripted Internet Explorer, to navigate to the URL of each Hotfix and grab the Title. Which makes the process veeeeeeery slow but I’ve been unable to come up with any better solution than that.

This is how the output looks like:


And here is the full script, I will be really grateful if you share any changes you do as I’m sure there is a lot of ways to improve this script.