List all VM’s with a Dynamic MAC Address

Short, simple script to list all VM’s which has NIC’s with a Dynamic MAC Address set.

It will give a list of all VM’s and the number of VM’s in that list.
Small, simple and efficient.

Controlling my intrusion detection system (alarm) via Powershell!

I’ve recently invested in a alarm for my house, after quite a lot of research i finally went for Siemens SPC 5320 for all the cool features, it feels like one of the most modern alarms out there. As it can be controlled from the web, smartphone applications for  iphone and android, usb, ethernet (ip) etc etc.

It’s more of a high-risk enterprise alarm, than a residence alarm as it got Grade 3 (and can have up to Grade 5) classification, making it usable for Banks and other high-risk objects, or to protect my geek lair (man-cave), son’s hideout, my wife’s gym, bedroom, the kitchen and other areas, also known as our home.

Another reason I bought that specific alarm is that a Swedish company called Lundix has recently released a Gateway that can talk with the Alarm and connect it to other systems. Or just execute things when specific triggers happen in the alarm. Like send a mail (to specific persons) when the Alarm goes off, or maybe notice the parents when a specific person arms or unarms the alarm, ie leaves and gets home from school.
It’s even possible to get noticed if that’s done outside the normal hours. For example if personnel in the store is late unarming the alarm, or arms it too early…

smart_home_integration3Summary: The SPC Web Gateway is providing a generic open web interface to Siemens SPC panels. The interface will simplify SPC integration with third party applications and products such as Home and Building Automation Systems, Smartphone Apps and Web applications. The Web API is using HTTP and REST principles (RESTful) for requests to SPC panel and WebSocket to reporting events from the SPC panel

And as the Gateway talks REST and WebSocket, it makes it possible to use Powershell! Looks how easy, cool, and smoth it is;


Next step is to add it to the new-user-creation workflow. So when a new user is created in AD, it will also create a user in the Alarm, generate a random PIN code and include that information in the Welcome Mail and SMS sent to new users.

Or possibly initiate a company wide erase of confidential data, in case of a Alarm. Anyone who can see that going wrong and causing problems? Especially as I saw some figures stating that more than 90% of all Alarms are false due to user error or indicator faults.

Well, I’ve just started playing around with it and if there is interest I’ll keep you posted on my progress and different automation scenarios i setup.


List and Remove Corrupted files reported by Data Deduplication with Powershell

I’ve been copying 7TB of data in about 100.000 files from an old fileserver to the new one, but I just noticed that some of the files are corrupted! Gahhh…

Chkdsk found some issues, but didn’t solve the problem. As this server is running Windows Server 2012 R2 with Data Deduplication I decided to have a look at that. Data Deduplication Errors

Yeah, unfortunately a lot of corrupted files with EventID 12800

So Data Deduplication is reporting a lot of corrupted files, and this error message didn’t really make me any happier.

Hopefully this quick and dirty powershell script that I just wrote can help you too.
As I still had the working fileserver with working files available, I decided to just delete all corrupted files with this script.

And then ran a robocopy script to recopy everything (it will skip any files that already exists making it a quite fast process).
robocopy /mir /copyall /r:1 /w:1 \\source\path \\destination\path

Updated 2014-05-22 16:22:  Added a full delete and copy script, which is a bit better written;



Script for importing existing VMs into Azure Pack

As you start working with Azure Pack, you probably realize that you have a lot of existing VM’s that you would like to import into Azure Pack, and by that be able to use them just as you can handle all new ones?

All that’s needed for that, is to set the correct AzurePack user as the owner and SelfServicUuser on that Virtual Machine. And of course, have the machine in the correct “Cloud”.

Here is a small script which will help you out by;

  1. Asking in a Grid View, which Cloud you would like to import a machine in.
  2. Ask which user that should be the new owner of this VM.
  3. Let you pick, which VM from the Cloud you would like to import.

As we have multiple clouds, and users can have multiple subscriptions, I chose to make the script use GridView, to minimize the risk for human errors (typos).


SCVMM : Automatic Baseline update script

SCVMM (System Center: Virtual Machine Manager) 2012 and 2012R2 can manage the patch compliance on your servers. That’s a great feature but normally involves some manual work as you have to add each update to the Baselines manually.

My colleague Mikael Nyström (MVP)  made a script to handle this automatically, which I’ve developed a bit further.

The script has a few Pre-Requisites;

  • A WSUS Server defined in SCVMM
  • Approved patches for “Windows Server 2012” and “Windows Server 2012 R2” in WSUS
  • Pre-Defined Baselines (you can use Add-Baseline to create them) with these names;
    • Security Updates
    • Critical Updates
    • Updates
    • Update Rollups

That’s it! You can now run the script and automatically import all matching updates.

The following actions will be performed;

  • Synchronize updates with WSUS
  • Check if there are any updates in the Baseline already
    • If the baseline is empty, import ALL matching updates
    • If the baseline is NOT empty, check the Newest 500 updates and import all matching updates
  • Remove inactive updates
  • Repeat for all Baselines
  • Start a compliance scan

The script will not initiate any remediation. And as the script normally only checks the newest 500 updates, it has to be run fairly regular. In my environment, 500 updates is about 1 month of updates. Though to be safe, run it once a week.

Azure Pack : Tenant Site automatic installation

If you want to install Azure Pack : Tenant Site in a distributed installation meaning not an Express installation on just one server. It’s possible to do it manually, OR … of course in a scripted way, so it’s automatic, scripted and unattended. Same result each time and smallest amount of time wasted on installations.  Here is a small powershell script that will take care of all the dependencies and install all the packages for the Public Tenant Site.


List computer certificates that will expire with Powershell

Just a small simple script that will list all Computer Cerificates that will expire in 90 days, to give you a heads up and time to renew them.

To list computer certificates that will expire in 90 days:

Just change “-lt 90” to some other value to adjust the expiry period.

List all Unsigned Drivers with Powershell

I had a need for getting all Unsigned drivers in a Windows 8 system to help out with some debugging.


As I’m still learning Powershell there might be better and faster ways of solving this problem, but this seems to work good enough for me, and hopefully for you too.

It’s a quite straight forward and easy script to use and change if there is a need, such as instead of showing Unsigned drivers, list all Signed Drivers by using IsSigned -EQ “TRUE”.
Use driverquery.exe to list all Unsigned Drivers to CSV, then import that CSV into Powershell and display all Drivers that’s unsigned (-EQUAL “False”). You will actually just get the .INF file at this point which kind of sucks, not the driverfile which we need in this case.
So for each returned .INF file, we are then opening those files in c:\windows\INF (that’s where Windows stores all installed INF/diver files) and find all .SYS files (drivers) referenced in the INF files. And after some more filtering, it then outputs a list of the unsigned drivers ($UnSigned), like this.

PS C:> $UnSigned VClone.sys nvhda32.sys nvhda64.sys nvhda32v.sys nvhda64v.sys PS C:>
PS C:> $UnSigned
PS C:>

I’ll then use that list and pass the unsigned drivers list to “Verifier.exe /standard /driver $UnSigned” to enable some Special driver Verification for finding the cause of some blue-screens.
I guess this script should work quite well also on Windows 7, but I’ve not tried it.